If this is your first time creating an Impact Assesssment (insert KB hyperlink overview) then read our Steps to Creating an Impact Assessment (hyperlink once finalised).
Navigating your PDF Impact Assessment report
Once you receive your Impact Assessment you will see three main areas reported on:
Business Disruption - Your disruption area and potentially disrupted business locations
Public Transport / Transit Disruption - Your disruption area, public transportation routes and transit routes, and locations.
Volume analysis - if requested. XXXXX....
Mooven also reports on relevant pre-planning data such as average speed tables, reach out if this is further context you require.
Understanding Impact Assessment report data inputs and metrics
Business Disruption:
Is based on publically available data or a representative week. It may not be an exhaustive list or representative of holiday periods.
The data is reported on in a scattergram within your site map and then a heat map table.
Disrupted business hours within the heatmap depict the number of open businesses/hr over your data range and the time of day their opening hours are most impacted.
Note the highest impact time of day in darkest red, and lowest in white / lightest red.
Public Transport / Transit Disruption:
The map overview depicts the main transit routes and key stations around your work site.
The heatmap provides an analysis of public transport arrivals through your worksite zone.
This is reported in the number of bus / train etc arrivals per hour and the date range is given based on the specified dates in your request.
Note the highest impact time of day in darkest red, and lowest in white / lightest red.
Volume analysis:
- need a sample of this to complete this section.
Navigating your Excel file Impact Assessment report
-need a sample of this to complete this section.